This is one of my very favorite dishes in the world.
It is, in my opinion, totally
New Orleans, and truly superb. Most unfortunately, it no
longer appears on
the menu of Mr. B's [or at least it did not the last time I checked (pre-Katrina
and Rita.) When I discovered this sad fact, I was extremely
disappointed. My
mouth had been set for that exquisite combination of flavors for months.
literally begged our waiter to plead with the chef to make it for us, to explain
that we
had flown all the way from Germany just for Shrimp Chippewa (which
was actually not too
much of an exaggeration). All to no avail. The stock, the
Velouté, these things take
time, chere madame......Oh well, at least I have the
recipe! And now you do, too. Enjoy!
5 dozen fresh medium raw shrimp
18 ounces fresh mushrooms, quartered
Velouté Sauce:
9 tablespoons butter
9 tablespoons flour
4 1/2 cups fish stock
Dash nutmeg
Salt, white pepper
1 tablespoon butter
6 tablespoons finely chopped
1 1/2 cups fish stock
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon cayenne
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon oregano
1/2 teaspoon powdered thyme
1/2 teaspoon paprika
Six 2-inch-thick slices good-quality
French bread
Butterfly the shrimp and remove the heads. Peel all but the final tail
segment. Cut lengthwise down the underside of the shrimp, but do not
cut completely
through. Devein. Set shrimp aside.
For Velouté Sauce: Melt 9 tablespoons butter in heavy
saucepan. Stir
in flour and cook the roux 3 to 5 minutes over medium heat until flour
is well dissolved. Stir in 4 1/2 cups fish stock gradually to avoid lumps.
to cook the
sauce approximately 20 minutes, allowing the sauce
to come
to a boil, then reducing the
heat and simmering gently until it
reaches the consistency of a cream sauce. Remove sauce
from heat and season to taste with nutmeg, pepper and salt. Melt a pat of butter on top
prevent a skin from forming. Set the sauce aside.
In a large skillet poach the shrimp, mushrooms, and scallions in
1 1/2
cups fish stock over medium high heat 5 to 8 minutes. Be careful
to overcook the
shrimp. Season mixture with garlic, garlic powder,
onion powder, pepper, cayenne, salt,
oregano, thyme and paprika.
in the velouté sauce and heat gently. Serve the shrimp
individual bowls
soup bowls] with fresh, hot sliced French
bread on the side. YUM!
The Mr. B's Bistro Cookbook:
Simply Legendary Recipes from New Orleans's
Favorite French Quarter Restaurant

More Recipes from Mr. B's Bistro:
Fettuccine with Shrimp and Tasso
Grilled Trout with Spiced Pecans
Gumbo Ya Ya
Louisiana Crab Cakes
New Orleans Barbecued Shrimp
Pasta Jambalaya
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