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La Belle Cuisine
Sauce Vinaigrette
(French Dressing)
Mastering the Art of French Cooking Boxed Set: Volumes 1 and 2
Julia Child, Louisette Bertholle, Simone Beck,
Alfred A. Knopf
(most recent edition pictured above, 2001, Knopf)
(Recipes below are from our personal library, the 1961
edition of Mastering
the Art of French Cooking)
basic French dressing of France is a mixture of good wine vinegar, good
salt, pepper, fresh green herbs in season, and mustard if you like it.
is employed usually only in southern France. Worcestershire, curry,
tomato flavorings are not French additions, and sugar is heresy.
The usual proportion of vinegar to oil is one to three, but you should
your own relationship. Lemon juice or a mixture of lemon and
vinegar may be
used, and the oil may be a tasteless salad oil, or olive oil.
For salads, make the
dressing in the empty bowl or a jar, so that all
ingredients are well blended and
flavored before the salad is mixed with the
dressing. And be sure the salad
are perfectly dry so the dressing
will adhere to the leaves. Salad dressings
always best when freshly
made; if they stand around for several days they
to acquire a rancid
For about 1/2
1/2 to 2 tablespoons good wine vinegar, or
a mixture of
and lemon juice
1/8 teaspoon salt
Optional: 1/4 teaspoon dry mustard
6 tablespoons salad oil or olive oil
Big pinch of pepper
Optional: 1 to 2 tablespoons minced green
such as parsley, chives,
or pinch of dried herbs
Either beat the vinegar or lemon juice in a bowl with the
salt and
optional mustard until the salt is dissolved, then beat in the oil
droplets, and
season with pepper,
place all ingredients in a screw-top jar and shake
vigorously for 30
seconds to blend thoroughly.
Stir in the optional herbs and correct seasoning just before dressing
Sauce Ravigote
(Vinaigrette with Herbs, Capers, and Onion)
For: cold
or hot boiled beef, boiled chicken, boiled
fish, pig’s feet,
calf’s head,
1 cup Sauce Vinaigrette
1 teaspoon chopped capers
1 teaspoon very finely minced
shallots or green onions
2 tablespoons minced fresh green herbs:
chives, tarragon,
parsley only
Stir all the ingredients into the vinaigrette and taste for
Vinaigrette à la Crème
(Sour Cream Dressing – Dill Sauce)
For: cold
eggs, vegetables, and cold or hot fish
1 egg yolk *
4 tablespoons whipping cream or
sour cream
1/2 cup Sauce Vinaigrette
Lemon juice to taste
2 tablespoons minced fresh herbs:
parsley, chives,
tarragon, chervil,
burnet, or just dill
Beat the egg yolk and cream in a bowl until thoroughly
blended. Then
in the vinaigrette in a stream of droplets as though
making a mayonnaise. Season to taste with lemon juice, and stir in the
Egg Safety Information
Sauce Moutarde
(Cold Mustard Sauce with Herbs)
For: cold beef, pork, and vegetables
2 tablespoons prepared mustard, preferably
the strong Dijon
3 tablespoons boiling water
1/3 to 1/2 cup olive oil or salad oil
Academia Barilla 100% Italian Unfiltered Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
Salt and pepper
Lemon juice
1 to 2 tablespoons parsley or
minced fresh green herbs
Rinse a small mixing bowl in hot water. Add the mustard and
with a
wire whip, adding the water by droplets.
Again by droplets, beat in the olive oil to make a thick, creamy sauce.
Beat in salt, pepper and lemon juice to taste. Then beat in the herbs.
Vinaigrette Variations
Index - Salad Dressing Recipes
Index - Salad Recipe Archives
Basic Mayonnaise with Variations
Index - Basic Sauce Recipes
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