New York City
by Tom Slaughter

 La Belle Cuisine - More Beef Recipes

Fine Cuisine with Art Infusion
"To cook is to
create. And to create well...
s an act of integrity, and faith."
Zweigenthal's Mother's Brisket

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La Belle Cuisine
Gail Zweigenthal's Mother's Brisket
Gourmet December 1995
(Ms. Zweigenthal is the former Editor-in-Chief of Gourmet.)
A 5- to 6-pound first-cut beef brisket
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
3 large yellow onions, cut into 1/2-inch
pieces (about 5 cups or 3
2 or 3 large garlic cloves, or to taste, minced
1 teaspoon paprika, preferably Hungarian
3/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. In a Dutch oven or other heavy baking pan
large enough to hold brisket heat 1 tablespoon oil in oven 10 minutes. Pat brisket dry and
season with salt and pepper. Roast brisket in pan, uncovered, 30 minutes.
While brisket is roasting, in a large heavy skillet cook onions in
remaining 2 tablespoons oil over moderately high heat, stirring, until softened and
beginning to turn golden. Reduce heat to moderate and cook onions, stir-
ring occasionally
and reducing heat if necessary, until deep golden, about
20 minutes more. Stir in garlic,
paprika, salt and pepper and cook 1 minute.
Stir in 3 cups water and bring to a boil.
Spoon onion mixture over brisket
and bake, covered, with lid 1/2 inch ajar, 3
1/2 hours, or
until brisket is
tender. (Check pan every hour and if necessary add more water.) Remove
brisket from oven and let it cool in onion mixture 1 hour.
Remove brisket from pan,
scraping onion mixture back into pan, and chill, wrapped in foil, overnight. Spoon onion
mixture into a 1-quart measure and chill, covered, overnight. Preheat oven to 350
degrees F.
Discard fat from onion mixture, add enough water to mixture to measure 3 cups total, and
a blender blend gravy until smooth. Slice brisket against the grain (thick or
thin, as
you prefer). In a large ovenproof skillet heat gravy until hot, add brisket, and heat in
oven 30 minutes. Serves 8 to 10.
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Boiled Beef with Chive-Horseradish Sauce (Salzburger Gekochter Tafelspitz)
Beef Stroganov (The Russian Tea Room)
Comforting Shredded Beef and Softly Simmered Onions
Grandma Ethel's Brisket with Tzimmes
New England Boiled Dinner
Oven-Braised Barbecued Brisket
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