La Belle Cuisine
The Queen of
Sheba: Reine de Saba
A chocolate almond cake

The Way to Cook
by Julia Child, 1994, Alfred A. Knopf
“A very special cake of almonds, butter, and
chocolate that is somewhat moist
in the center – it literally melts in the
mouth. This was the first French cake
I ever ate, prepared by my French
colleague, Simca, and I have never for-
gotten it. Like most French cakes, it
is only an inch and a half high, which
makes it easy to serve.”
Note: This is the
spongecake type – separated eggs – where beaten egg whites
are folded into
the batter. You want to be sure here that the melted chocolate
is still warm
and smooth so that the egg whites can be folded in easily.
For a 4-cup pan, such as a round
one 8 by 1 1/2 inches, serving 6 to 8
3 ounces sweet
baking chocolate
1 ounce unsweetened chocolate
2 tablespoons dark rum or strong coffee
4 ounces (1 stick) softened unsalted butter,
at room temperature
1/2 cup sugar
3 egg yolks
The egg whites
3 egg whites (a scant 1/2 cup)
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
A pinch of salt
2 tablespoons sugar
1/3 cup blanched
almonds pulverized with
2 tablespoons sugar
(see Special Note below)
1/4 teaspoon almond extract
1/2 cup plain bleached cake flour (scooped and leveled…),
in a sifter set on wax paper
equipment suggested: An 8- by 1 1/2-inch round cake pan,
buttered and
floured; a 6-cup saucepan with a tight-fitting cover, and
a larger pan of
simmering water, for melting chocolate; a 3-quart mix-
bowl for the
batter; a hand-held electric mixer is useful; egg-white
beating equipment
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F, and set the rack in the lower middle
level. Set out all the ingredients and equipment listed [mise en place – get
your mess in place!] and melt the chocolate in the rum or coffee: Break up
the chocolate into the saucepan and add the rum or coffee. Pour 2 to 3
inches of water into the larger pan and bring to the simmer. Remove
heat, let cool 15 seconds, cover the chocolate pan tightly, and set it in
the hot water. In 5 minutes, the chocolate should be smoothly melted – if
not, reheat the water in the larger pan to below the simmer, remove from
heat, return the chocolate pan to it, and stir until the chocolate is smooth
and glistening.
Butter, sugar, and egg yolks. Cut the butter into pieces and cream it in
the mixing bowl – the portable mixer is useful here. When soft and fluffy,
add the sugar and beat 1 minute, then beat in the egg yolks.
Egg whites.
[A typical Julia lesson – everything you ever wanted to know about beating
egg whites…Thank you Julia!] Stiffly beaten egg whites have multiple uses,
from spongecakes to floating island to soufflés. Again the
bowl and beater
are of great importance. They must be clean, with no
trace of oil or grease,
and not even a speck of egg yolk should be among
the whites since oil,
grease, and yolk prevent the whites from mounting
into a mass of tiny
Whether or not you are using a copper bowl, it’s a good idea to pour a
tablespoon of vinegar into the bowl and a teaspoon of salt. Rub the bowl
clean with paper towels, but do not wash it – the traces of vinegar and
help stabilize the egg whites.
Turn the egg whites into the bowl and if they are chilled, set the bowl in a
larger bowl of warm water for a minute or two, until your impeccably clean
finger feels them to be of room temperature. Chilled whites do not mount
well, and tend to fleck.
Using a giant balloon whip, or a hand-held electric mixer, or a mixer on a
stand, start beating the egg whites at moderately slow speed until they are
foaming throughout – 2 minutes or so. Add a pinch of salt (unless you have
rubbed the bowl with salt before you started in,) and add [the] cream of
tartar – a stabilizer. Gradually increase the speed to fast (moderately fast
you have a heavy-duty mixer) and continue until soft peaks are formed.
Gradually beat in the 2 tablespoons of sugar and continue until stiff
shining peaks are formed.
Finishing the batter. At once blend the warm, smoothly melted chocolate
and the coffee into the yolk mixture, then the almonds and almond extract.
Stir a quarter of the egg whites into the chocolate to lighten it. Scoop the
rest of the whites over the chocolate and, alternating with sprinkles of
flour, rapidly and delicately fold in the egg whites.
Baking – 25 minutes at 350 degrees F. Immediately turn the batter
the prepared pan, tilting it in all directions to run it up to the rim
all around,
and set it in the preheated oven.
When is it done? The cake is done when it has puffed to the top of
pan and a toothpick plunged into the cake 2 and 3 inches from the edges
of the pan comes out clean. The center, however, should move slightly
the pan is gently shaken. (Chocolate cakes of the French type
should not be
cooked dry.)
Cooling and unmolding. Remove the pan to the rack and let cool 15
minutes; unmold onto the rack. Let cool completely – 2 hours – before
serving or icing.
Ahead-of-time note: May be
wrapped airtight and refrigerated for 2 to 3 days,
or may be frozen for
several weeks. That limit is for the safe side. However, during the taping
of our videocassettes in California we made quite a number. I took two home
to Massachusetts and didn’t serve one of them until a year later –
Serving note: French
chocolate cakes are at their best when served at near room temperature –
chilled, the chocolate is partly congealed rather than being softly
Icing and
decorating the cake. You may serve the cake simply with a dusting of
confectioners’ sugar, or with the soft chocolate icing described
here and a
design of whole or shaved almonds on top. Or for the full treatment try
decorating the iced cake with chocolate leaves.
[Instructions included in
Soft Chocolate
For an 8-inch cake
2 ounces sweet
1 ounce unsweetened chocolate
1 1/2 tablespoons rum or strong coffee
A pinch of salt
3 ounces (6 tablespoons) unsalted softened butter,
at room temperature
equipment suggested: A 6-cup saucepan with tight-fitting
a pan of
almost simmering water to hold it, for melting chocolate
Melt the
chocolates with the rum or coffee as instructed in “Prelimin-
aries” above.
When smooth and glistening, beat n the salt, then the butter
a tablespoon at
a time. Beat over cold water until firm enough to spread.
Turn the icing on
to of the cake; spread it over the top and sides.
Special Note
To pulverize nuts. You can
grate them fine, if you have such a specialized
machine. Otherwise pulverize
not more than 1/2 cup at a time in a food pro-
cessor in a blender, for 3/4
cup at a time in a food processor with steel blade –
always adding 1
tablespoon or more of granulated sugar to prevent the nuts
from turning
oily. Don’t overpulverize – they should be dry and powdery;
otherwise they
will lump when you fold them into a batter or egg whites.
Archive Recipes:
Queen of Sheba Cake
Crème Brûléed Chocolate Bundt
(Mary Bergin, Baking with Julia)
French Chocolate Cake,
Countess Toulouse-Lautrec's
La Pigna's Chocolate Almond Torte
New Orleans Chocolate
Layer Cake
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